Force de Désespoir is a performance resulting from the training Bouger pour Changer under the management of Likit’Arts. The performance premiered Nov. 10, 2023, at the Centre culturel le Zoo in Kinshasa. The group of talented dancers continued under the name Troupe MPANGI after the premiere. The themes in the performance are based on stories proposed by the dancers and developed in collaboration with them and the trainers. The images reflect the daily complex life in a metropolis where lawlessness reigns and everyone has to survive in their own way. Suspicion and fear make the social fabric of millions of people living together extremely vulnerable.
Created in collaboration with Atchade Lucrece, Jeroen Kriek, Noortje Bijvoets, Feri de Geus and Anne Suurendonk.
Performance: Baby NTUMBA, Beni BELA BELLA, Benji MOKE, Constant LIFUNGULA, Doriane NTUMBA, Elie NKOY, Jackson LOHANGA, Jessy DIANTINU, Jose MONEMA, Hervé MUGISHO, Kajilly MEYE, Maria LUSAMBA, Marra MUKENDI, Merveille KHAMBA, Theresia MASSAMBA